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All dog classes are not the same!
Results - Pawformance Offerings: The dog house is open again on a limited basis for dedicated alumni trainers and for those with a veterinarian referral!
If you have trained your past or present pet(s) with me through Obedience & Manners Level Two and your pet is in need of a refresher or if you are just missing class...join us!
Veterinarian referrals: If you are referred directly to me, do call soon after the referral.
In most cases, addressing an issue early can avoid major issues later.
I will follow up with your veterinarian to share progress made.
Note, I can no longer work with very strong hard to control pets. Nor serious aggression or biting issues.
Reach out before little issues (example - puppy sass nipping) becomes a major problem. Most issues do not go away as a pet ages...
New - Silver Paws Class! Help keep your beloved, geriatric pet engaged! A re-do of my 'Golden Oldies' offering from the past.
Thanks to Lisa C. & Ginger - Golden Retriever & Poodle mix for the rename.
Past O&M Two Grad Trainer Alum With a New Pet and Veterinarian Referrals:
After doing a Meet & Greet" we can discuss possible training options! Room is limited, a wait list may be established for some offerings.
Feel free to send an email or call for more information. Please be sure to mention your current and/or past pet(s) and last classes and year(s) attended.
Or your veterinarian that is referring you and your pet.
Note! You must be able to physically handle your new pet as I am no longer able to handle medium-large or large, strong dogs that are out of control.
Nor extremely sassy pets. As always, no aggressive pets! (So annoying to be getting older!)
If your pet may be in this category, with regret, please be considerate and get your pet help by another. Thank you.
Prepare your pet for real life with you. Whether you are at home or away, your pet should be happy, comfortable and display manners. We help you to train your pet for the real world with practical, common sense training! We are training pets that live in our homes, may go to the farmers market, to sporting events, or perhaps the cottage or vacation get-aways. Pets should also be comfortable, not stressed or nervous and a pleasure to be around no matter where they are!
Results and Pawformance classes encourage you to interact with your pet - not train at it! This program is based on relationships for pets that live with you. Our handling and training implement a gentle hands on, praise reward system with a quiet discipline after training and much practice only if needed to the point your pet acknowledges. Time outs in crates or special places are not recommended!
Treats are given when appropriate. No people or pet junk food treats, please! Treats may be used for housebreaking, puppy leash training, conformation showing and just because when not in an obedience training session!
Note! Treats, toys and/or clickers are not used for teaching these obedience exercises: Sit, Down, Stay or Come! commands.
Please do not sign up for this class if you desire to use a food/clicker/toy reward system. If you have started this method and wish to attend my class, please give your pet a break from treats for obedience commands for best Results!, tips regarding same will be presented at your first class.
Powerful Results happen when instruction if followed. The main goal is for you to have an enjoyable life with your pet and your pet to have an enjoyable life with you!
Best Results happen if you do not train ahead of the program!
Gentle Leadership Skills - Results style!
My praise reward, non-reactive way of interacting will help develop and enhance mutual respect. This program believes in teaching first, as 'perfect' as possible practice, proofing and then using a quiet discipline - if needed. All classes are taught by myself - cognitive style. Thus, no surprises by a well meaning volunteer or different instructor when you go from one level to the next regarding method.
Discipline if needed - should be grounded. If you are too harsh or use a reactive discipline your pet will learn to fear you. Never should a pet be disciplined for a behavior it does not know is wrong - teach and practice instead! More is explained at class(es).
Trainer Fee, Requirements, Hearing, Age and Physcial Strength
Class fee is for one pet and the same handler/trainer that I (the instructor) will be working with throughout the class.
Trainers must be age 18 and older. An exception may be made to allow junior handlers depending on age and size and age of pet and if the family has previously attended and successfully passed a class with the instructor. Do not preregister a junior handler (under 18 years old) if an adult is not available to attend every class and continue training if necessary per the instructor as refunds are not given.
Trainers must be able to hear instruction. Trainers must be able to interact with their pets as this is a 'hands-on' method of training - which means bending down and touching the puppy or dog.
To help ensure class flow, trainers MUST be physically able to keep their pets from dragging them to visit other training teams - inside and outside of class. Classes are designed to teach obedience commands and manners in a group setting. If your pet is able to pull you at will, perhaps private lessons will be helpful to you instead of in a group setting. Be sure to share at our Meet & Greet session if your pet may not be suited for a group class.
Consistency in handling by household members is important! Please take notes so you may share the information for your household members that are not able to attend. As you and your pet learn exercises, please teach and monitor your household members to help ensure progression each week.
Non-Spayed Female Pets that come into season (have a heat cycle) may not attend class as they may be too distracting to other pets. No refunds are given.
Pets that are Not Accepted: Wolf and wolf mixes are not accepted into the program. Nor are aggressive dogs or those which have had security or attack training.
Guarantee? Sorry as I as do not have first hand knowledge of experiences you and your pet have encountered nor do I have control of what happens outside of class, guarantees are not given. Know this program works very well for people that choose to implement it.
© copyright 2000-present Results Puppy & Dog Training and Pawformance Dog Sports! All photos, logos, and text are property of Results Puppy & Dog Training, Pawformance Dog Sports! and it's contributors. Any copying is strictly forbidden without written permission of and copy of material produced to Mary T. Ratelle.