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Last updated Mon, Mar 24, 2025
Enhancements to our Awards and Schedule pages are done! Thanks for your patience...both are much easier to navigate now with the new links. I wish I would have added them years ago! My next project - a page with my pups including my Chelsea Golden Retrievers. Highlights of the wonderful seven generations of Goldens and their people I have known starting with my first "Chelsea" prefix litter in 1980!
Results - Pawformance Offerings for Alumni! The dog house is open again on a limited basis for dedicated alumni trainers!
If you have trained your past or present pet(s) with me through Obedience & Manners Level Two and your pet is in need of a refresher or if you are just missing class...join us!
Offerings: Puppy and Obedience & Manners Floor Time (semi-structured), Recreatonal Agility, AKC Rally-Obedience and Retrieve! (for pets that enjoy retrieving).
An Introduction to Tracking - weather permitting. This is done outside searching for objects or people, not 'Nose Work'.
Veterinarian referrals: If you are referred directly to me, do call soon after the referral is given.
In most cases, addressing an issue early can avoid major issues later. See more info on my Home Page.
New - Silver Paws! Help keep your beloved, geriatric pet engaged! A re-do of my past 'Golden Oldies' class.
If it's been awhile, a 'Meet & Greet' may be suggested. Pets must be comfortable to attend.
Sorry - "Silver Sneakers" passes are not accepted - haha!
Thanks to Lisa & "Ginger" - Golden & Poodle mix - for the class rename!
Alum With a New Pet? After doing a "Meet & Greet" we can discuss possible training options!
Note you must be able to physically handle your new pet as I am no longer able to handle large, strong dogs that are out of control or extremely sassy pets. As always, no aggressive pets!
If your pet may be in this category, with regret, please be considerate and get your pet help by another. Thank you.
Brighton Community Education: The 2024 fall sessions were my last through All good! I will enjoy the memories! I appreciate the trainers that have trusted me with their pet's training.
After the snow has melted, it's time to walk your property and pick up sticks, scat and other items that may be tempting to your pet. Remember with the warmer weather, odors may entice your pet to leave the property. Melting lake ice may also be a hazard! Be sure to monitor and use a long or drag line if needed to keep your pet safe.
Inclement Weather Tips!
Thunder storm season! If your pet gets anxious when the weather is inclement, especially if thunder and lightning is happening, do not coddle. Many people make the mistake of over comforting and telling their pup that "It's OK" which may increase the pet's concern. With enough 'practice', it may lead to storm anxiety. Instead, let your pet be with you, be more matter of fact and reassure your pet that everything is fine w/o too much gush (even if your heart is breaking a little). Engage with an activity when possible. If your pet has to be alone, perhaps give it the 'special' large knotted, white rawhide bone when it needs to be crated. Also, close curtains and/or shades, keep lights on and the radio or TV on a little louder than usual.
Go outdoors with your leashed pet at potty time if there is a chance it may run off or climb a fence if startled. Many pets are surprised with sudden thunder claps and lightening, and may go into severe flight drive during during same. High winds and unexpected gusts may also spook pets! Remember to stay grounded so you do not increase anxiety issues your pet may have.
Some pets may be comforted wearing a baby or child size T-shirt. Since recommending same decades ago, 'thunder shirts' for pets are now on the market for the same purpose and are pricey! Using a tight fitting T is the same and save some $$s.
Aspirin pain relief products and Xylitol. Meds should be cleared with your veterinarian before giving. Note that Xylitol sweetner is very harmful to dogs and it may now be found in aspirin! It may cause a sudden release of insulin which then leads to a sudden drop of blood sugar. Be aware it is found in many products, check labels before letting your pet share snacks that are labeled for people. Please check with your veterinarian for a safe pain management.
Traveling Tip!
When traveling with your pet, it's best if your pet is comfortable on leash and able to potty away from home. For that reason, acclimating your pet to being on leash when relieving itself is a terrific idea. Some people never do this and their pet may resist going if leashed - so sad for the pup! Remember the 'how to do' tips shared at the end of your first class with me (if you stayed for same).
Pet edibles from China!!
This is not-so-new-news, but many well known stores have chosen to still sell treats on their shelves coming from China. There have been documented cases of thousands of pets that have died or became seriously ill from digesting food with toxins found in them in our country alone. Be sure to check labels and discard anything with "China" on it!! I find it sad what greed can do to people in the trade that we assume care about our pets... Too much info to share here on this subject - Google and learn.
Important Link Here:
FDA Pet Food Recalls & Withdrawals
DIY Long Line
If you are in need of a long line, looping two leashes together will work. Or, to save money - you may make one! Simply purchase parachute cord for smaller pets or clothesline or boat cord for larger ones and simply add a bolt snap. Adding another bolt snap at 20+ +/- intervals if longer lines are needed will save time if your pet may get tangled is a concern. Using a harness on your pet instead of a collar is recommended and be sure to supervise!
If you prefer to keep your pet in a limited area, consider an over head cable to provide for exercise. Consider ample 'head' room for people when setting this up! Again, a harness may provide a safer connection than a collar. Supervision is important, too. Pets can get tangled and visiting animals - including children - may come on to your property. : )
Donating? Keep your money local and give to the agencies that actually use the vast majority of the funds for the animals. There are many 'businesses' and even some local non profits that are skilled at taking advantage of people that have a soft spot for animals. Heart-wrenching ads on television can attract you. There is one agency that receives much money which provides their admin staff annual salaries of not only six digit figures, but high multiple hundred thousand $ salaries. TAILS DOWN!
As dynamics in organizations can change, before donating to any agency or group. Do your own research to help ensure where your money is going reflects your beliefs before sending funds.
AngelPawsPet.com Rescue - Results - Pawformance trainers Beth and Jen H. have started their own rescue after many years of volunteering with various groups. They literally have decades of experience and are located in Milford. Ask for a flyer at class if none are on the table! (Note - my browser has come up with several rescues using the Angel Paws name, be sure 'Pet' is noted after Paws.) Their web site: www.AngelPawsPet.com
Beth and Jen will have pets available to adopt at various events. Stop by and say hello!
Tax deductible donations are always appreciated!
Upcoming 2025 Adoption Events:
January - Pet Expo - Suburban Collection Showplace - Novi
Saturday, March 8 & 9, 2025 Trailer & RV Show at Huntington Place (old Cobo Hall, Detroit)
Saturday, March 29, 2025 - Premier Pet Supply, 1019 E. Grand River, Brighton 12p - 4p
Sunday, June 1, 2025 - Adopt Don't Shop Event - Bounce Gymnastics, 2755 Arena Dr., Hartland Time TBD
BradysK9fund.com Past Results trainer Tom S. ("Hercules" - Belgian Malinois now at the Rainbow Bridge) was featured on our local WHMI radio / web news in August 2024! He has been working overtime as a die setter for Ford Motor Co. to raise funds for safety vests for Michigan working K9s. K9 officers are expected to provide all equipment for their dogs and these vests are not cheap! As of August 2024, Tom has two sponsored K9s. They are K9 Gunner - Wayne Co Sheriff and K9 Zeke - Kent Co Sheriff. Tom highly recommends donating directly to: www.BradysK9fund.com (Ohio).
Enjoy your training journey and life with your pet!
My best, Mary T.
Such a gift it is to have experienced the love and bond with a dear pet.
When the tears start, turn them into happy ones and remember think about the wonderful
memories you have buried in your heart...
"Willow" - French Bulldog - Jen & Beth H.
"Zoey" - American Eskimo - Holly & Kip S.
"Ellie" - Pitbull - Gretchen H. & Tim V.
"Callie" - French Bulldog - Jen & Beth H.
"Finley" - Golden Retriever - Donna & Ken Z.
"Lilith" - French Bulldog - Jen & Beth H.
"Nadine" - Chihuahua mix - Beth & Jen H.
"Mason" - American Cocker Spaniel - Carrie S. & Robert L.
"Meka" - Akita - Cindy H.
"Hercules" - Belgian Malinois - Tom S.
"Lucy-Lu" - American Cocker Spaniel & Golden Retriever, a 'Dakota' mix - Robert L. & Carrie S.